The passion to write starts from the moment you take your first breath!
It grows with you like your shadow…pretend friend…confidant! It is so familiar that you rely upon it for comfort!
That aha moment is like turning on a light switch: you put words to paper: the feeling of bewilderedness is replaced with enlightenment! You realize the world is at your fingertips! You were given a gift! From that moment on, the urge to write is uncontrollable!
Unfortunately, this incredible gift may also feel like a curse: that light switch never shuts off! Your brain never shuts off!
Nevertheless, the appreciation for such gift is ever present! It often feels as though the words you have written were heaven-sent — as if you cannot take credit for them! It is at this moment that you close your eyes and just thank your lucky stars!
These words says it all!!!
“With great power, comes great responsibility!”